If you have been looking up lately – say the last ten years or more – you have made an observation of something VERY unusual. There has been reported from virtually almost every country in the world – huge formations or lines in the sky.
Lines in the sky are not unusual – we see jet airliners streaking across all the time. As they traverse back and forth across the heavens – we can see the white smoke-like trail that emits from the back of the jet. These emissions are referred to as con-trails, a shortened version of two words actually – condensation trails – meaning that the emission is condensation, which is trailing behind the jet as it streams across at a high altitude. The condensation results from hot air leaving the jet engine combining with very cold air at high altitudes, resulting in condensation. That’s not unusual.

What IS unusual is the lines in the sky left by jets that seem to be leaving their trail by design – in many instances creating lines across the sky which eventually spread out into cloud-like formations in all directions. Some writings have referred to these strange creations as chem-trails, a shortened version of two words – chemical trails – meaning that the emissions caused is a deliberate effort to spew some foreign substance into our atmosphere.
Websites that address these lines in the sky, spell out various theories as to what is going on. Below are a couple of links about this issue – definitely worth looking into because of potential health issues.
http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htmhttp://www.educate-yourself.org/ct/http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/An interesting book on the subject – Death in the Air by noted author Dr. Len Horowitz maintains that “Silently killing us, our family and friends, the global plagues are here, yet where are we? Distracted by pastimes, passions, pleasures and psycho-sensory overload. The "Technotronic Era" is here. With it comes a New World of "non-lethal" biological and chemical weapons, and warfare applications, that are being waged against defenseless civilians. Regardless of what you now think, you are being manipulated and lethally affected, and this intelligence may be crucial to you and your family's survival."
I personally noticed these strange lines when I was driving back from Virginia with my two sons, on our way back to Colorado from attending my daughter’s wedding. We were in Saint Louis about mid afternoon when my younger son pointed out what he perceived as a giant “tic-tac-toe” formation of lines being caused by a couple of jets flying abnormally close to the ground. That is to say that the jets were flying much lower than passenger jets usually fly. Noting the strangeness of the unusual formations and the abnormal flight paths of the jets, I avowed to do some research into this when we arrived back to Colorado. That was in 2003 and upon return to Colorado I began in earnest and found the book referred to above and read through most of it as I sat in the Denver Public Library – skimming through and absorbing the key statements therein. It astounded me to say the least – the fact that our own government was behind the massive project to spew poisons into our atmosphere – poisons that are harmful to humans specifically children and elders.
On one drive from Denver to Trinidad Spring 2008 these lines were observed over every metropolitan area Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Walsenburg and Trinidad. SOMEONE is going to a huge expense to spew whatever it is - into the atmosphere.
This stuff is pervasive and has been observed in television commercials and made for tv movies. If you use the great outdoors for your photo/video shoot – then you might as well get used to the idea that there are going to be those unsightly lines in the sky.
These unsightly lines appear almost on a daily basis – except on days when the wind is really kicking up. Try looking to the skies early in the morning – especially a clear day when the sky is crisp and clear and devoid of clouds – you will see the lines forming across the sky – creating huge X’s or H’s or W’s. Then the lines will start billowing outward and eventually the sky will be filled with a cloud-like formation – very much resembling the real thing – but you will know that this is not the case because you will have observed that the “cloud” formation was man-made.
And for what purpose?
Truly – it is hard to say – but one thing is for sure – the lines are there BY DESIGN. They are not just random lines made from the exhaust fumes of random flights from regular passenger jets. There is a big difference in the plume left behind by a passenger jet. For one thing the plume left by a passenger jet dissipates rather quickly after it appears and the plume is not as wide as the lines in question. AND passenger jets fly much higher than the jets leaving the strange formation of lines left by the lower flying ones.
NOPE – the photos here spell it out – the pilots of these flights are following a planned pattern and they do it on almost a daily basis, creating huge X’s, H’s and W’s in the sky or sometimes tic-tac-toe patterns.
Chem-trails or con-trails?
As with everything else I tell people about – I encourage one to do their own research.
I only report what my aging Apache eyes observe.
For sure you won’t see any reports on the nightly “news” and if you do the reporters will probably report with grin of skepticism, alluding to yet another conspiracy theory.
My feeling is – as always – there are no conspiracy theories – only conspiracies.
After all this was a nice planet til us humans showed up and began the strictly human trait of conspiring. Humans are some conspiring mofo’s.
Keep Looking Up!!
Fotos by Antonio Sánchez